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Achim Timmermann

‘dem heylighen Cruse to Werle…’: The Architectural Presentation of Civic Relics along Westphalia’s Hellweg, ca. 1370 – ca. 1430

dem heylighen Cruse toWerle...: Architektonická prezentace relikvií na vestfálské Hellweg mezi lety 1370–1430

pp. 2–18

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Marcela Hanáčková

The First Steps of Socialist Realism in Czechoslovakia. A Long Visit of Soviet Architects in 1946/1947 and the Czechoslovak Response

Počátky socialistického realismu v Československu. Dlouhá návštěva sovětských architektů na přelomu let 1946–1947 a reakce jejich československých protějšků

pp. 19–37

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Emma Hanzlíková

Requirements for the Exhibiting of Asian Art within a Museum Context: Curiosities, Spoils and Artefacts from the Perspective of the East Asian Art Tradition

Requirements for the Exhibiting of Asian Art within a Museum Context: Curiosities, Spoils and Artefacts from the Perspective of the East Asian Art Tradition

pp. 38–57

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Kamil Boldan

The Krumlov Master of Two Styles: On the Beginnings
of Renaissance Bookbinding in Bohemia

The Krumlov Master of Two Styles: On the Beginnings
of Renaissance Bookbinding in Bohemia

pp. 58–75

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Petra Skarupsky

The Battle of Grunwald in Prague: Reception of the 1959 Exhibition of Polish Painting in Czechoslovakia

Bitva u Grunwaldu v Praze: Recepce výstavy polského malířství v Československu v roce 1959

pp. 76–91

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Matthew Rampley

Architecture in the Provinces: Method, Judgement and the Topographical Impulse

pp. 92–105

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Magdalena Lanuszka

Ivan Gerát, Iconology of Charity

pp. 106–108

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Stanislava Fedrová

Ingrid Halászová, Před portrétom

pp. 109–114

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Petr Šámal

Jakub Jareš – Jakub Bachtík – Lukáš Duchek (edd.), Chrám umění Rudolfinum

pp. 114–118

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Julia Secklehner

Anna Pravdová – Annie Le Brun – Annabelle Görgen-Lammers, Toyen 1902–1980 . – Karla Huebner, Magnetic Woman. Toyen and the Surrealist Erotic

pp. 118–121

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Jessica Breier

Hana Buddeus (ed.), Sudek a sochy

pp. 121–124

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Zuzana Krišková

David Kulhánek, Oldřich Kulhánek. Malá anatomie zdrojů – Marcel Fišer, Jiří Načeradský. Podle fotografie – Tomáš Winter, Jaroslava Pešicová. Kočky, psi a Robert Rauschenberg

pp. 124–127

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pp. 128–132

Česká resumé / English summaries

pp. 133–137